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(Consists of Executive Board Officers, Chapter Presidents, and Standing Committee Chairs)


Executive Board Officers

President - Billy Betts, Sr.

Vice President - Benny Gabriel

Secretary - Margaret Andy Scott

Asst Secretary - Regina Small Washington

Treasurer - Jay Johnson

Asst Treasurer - Cynthia Eatmon Bennett

Chaplain - Tony Brackens, Sr.

Parliamentarian - Glenda Coleman

Past President - Tony Brackens, Sr.


Chapter Presidents

Dallas President - Rachel Dancer Harris

Fairfield President - Sherry Andy Brackens

Fort Worth President - Juanita Eatmon Rischer

Houston President - Joyce Ransom Bennett

West Coast Rep - Lou Ross Smith


Committee Chairs

Registration - Margaret Andy Scott / Regina Small Washington

Souvenir Book - Jackie Slaughter Sedberry / Gloria Johnson English

Reunion Planning - Sherry Andy Brackens

Hospitality - Kennard Bowen / William Cooper

Picnic - Delores Jones Fantroy / Sherline Willis Green

Big Broadcast - Regina Small Washington

Social - Joan Ransom Barnes

Memorial/Dedication - Martha Hatcher Nero / Cynthia Eatmon Bennett

Nomination - Marilyn Williams Hardy

Scholarship - Edward Johnson, Jr. / Joan Ransom Barnes / Ricky Hatcher / Elisia Johnson Taylor

The Dogan Alumni Association is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation is deductible to the full extent of law. Check with your tax accountant for guidance.

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